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Wednesday, 31 October 2012

References| Citations for Choice Theory in Decision Making

Resource Citations for Choice Theory in decision making

Choice Theory in decision making,
Individual decision makers do not have perfect information concerning the expected outcome of each choice they are making. Therefore, choices are made on the basis of chance since individual present inability to calculate the expected outcome of each alternative course of action. On the other hand manager may not have full knowledge of their preference and therefore may have constant indifferences when choosing which preference ranks higher than the other.

There are constraints facing the organization decision making process such as finances, high costs of deliberation, simultaneous economic action requiring decision and decisions about how and when to decide. These limit the application of this model especially when it comes to optimization. Managers are left with the option of choosing a satisfactory course of action instead of an optimal one.

References and Resources Cited- bibliography-citation
Becker, G. S. (1976). The Economic Approach to Human Behaviour. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Browning, G., Halcli, A. & Webster, F. (Ed). (2000). Rational Choice Theory. United States : Sage publication.

Delanty, G. (1997). Social Science: Beyond Constructivism and Realism. Buckingham: Open University Press.

Russell, C. S. (Ed). (1979). Collective Decision Making: Applications from Public Choice Theory. Baltimore : Resources for the Future.

Shapira, Z. (Ed). (2002). Organizational decision making. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Zey, M. (1998). Rational choice theory and organizational theory: a critique. USA:  Sage publications.

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