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Friday, 28 December 2012

Reading Activities that can Increase Comprehension: Readers’ Theatre

Reading Activities that can Increase Comprehension Using Katie and the Mona Lisa

    Readers’ Theatre Activity (Annandale et al., 2004, 154)

One reading activity for readers in the early reading phase is the use of a readers theatre, in which the students would get an opportunity to practice and play roles (Annandale et al., 2004, 154). The students first read the book and select parts of the book that are interesting. Using those parts, the students create simple scripts that are suitable for role-play. For instance, using Katie and the Mona Lisa, students can form groups and take roles such as Grandma, Mona Lisa and Katie.

(Grandma is dosing and there is nobody else in the museum)

Katie: Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci, I wish I knew what is making you smile.

Mona Lisa: Then come inside, bambina!

(Katie looks around and decides to climb and go to the Mona Lisa)

 Roles of a reader developed through this activity include:

The role of a code breaker

    Identify and look up the definition of new words.
    Find the longest words in the selected part.
    Guess the meaning of the word bambina.

 Developing the role of text analyst

    In your small groups, discuss whether the events in the story you acted out can happen in real life or not.
    Say what makes you like or dislike Mona Lisa
    According to you, why do you think Mona Lisa smiles at everyone?

Developing the role of a text participant

    If you were Katie, write down the questions you would have asked her.
    Which role did you like most, Katie, grandma or Mona Lisa’s?

Developing the role of a text user

    Write a story on what would happen if grandma woke up and did not find Katie.

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