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Thursday, 27 December 2012

Functions Of Leadership: The Function of an Enforcer

The Function of an Enforcer

Another of the functions of leadership is that of an enforcer. There is need for each organization to have a system that enforces rules and regulations that guide daily activities within the organization. Depending on the situation, the function of an enforcer may involve psychological influence, motivation and sometimes coercion. Most organizations prefer the use of psychological and peer influence. Because enforcement is critical to the success of any organization, the leadership needs to exercise caution, transparency and independence.

            Riggs (2008, p.173-78) says that leadership should adhere to extreme caution especially when exercising power that is bestowed on it. According to him, power and authority determines the relationships with the subordinates. A positive relationship and goodwill among the subordinates can boost the leadership and enable it to steer the organization into success. Negative perception and relationship between the leadership and the workforce, on the other hand, may prove a hindrance to the organization. Therefore, the leadership should exercise this function with the aim of conserving and promoting positive relationships between it and the subordinates.

            Bendik (2001, p.59-77), on the other hand, argues that the leadership of any organization may exercise various forms of power in a bid to enforce its rules depending on the context in which the rules are being enforced, the type of organization and the people. The leader should determine the most appropriate enforcement method in the organizational context of the moment. As much as it depends on the leader, there should be consistence so that the workforce understands the processes and is prepared.

            Different types of powers can be categorized in terms of their aims. For instance, some power aims at coercing or forcing the employees to conform to particular standards ot carry out tasks. Others may aim at rewarding good performance, correcting errant behavior or enhancing expertise among the subjects. Regardless of the chosen type of power, the leadership should always aim at achieving positive responses. In other words, after the leadership exercises the power, the subordinates should be satisfied that the leadership made the correct decisions through the positive achievement in the organization. Leadership should avoid negativity among the subordinates because it may reduce chances of success and achievement of objectives in any project. This is best done through proper analysis of the situation before making choice of the type of power to employ in carrying out the enforcement function.

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