Functions of Leadership: Linking the Management to the Workforce
One critical ingredient of a successful business that leadership normally fills is the role of a link between the management and the workforce. This role requires the leader to be a good communicator. In an organization, there needs to be an elaborate procedure of passing information in between the top management and the workforce (Harrell, 2003, p.213-217). The leadership plays the role of a connector, which is a go-between through which the top management and the workforce pass information.In this regard, we can deduce that the leadership communicates the workforce’s problems, difficulties and expectations to the top management. In the same way, the top management communicates its expectations and requirements through the leadership. This flow of information becomes crucial for the organization to meet its objectives.
In addition to this role of a connector inside the organization’s structure, the leadership also networks the organization to other organizations that constitute the external environment. This linkage includes link to suppliers, customers, link to the immediate community as well as to the larger business environment. This role is endowed with the responsibility of creating new relationships and connections for the organization. It is through proper utilization of these relationships and links that the business grows into new fronts and continues to get the community’s goodwill.
Just like visionary leadership, connector leadership also has the capacity to initiate variety and create new options for the business. This is especially through the diversity of relationships and connections the leadership makes. This function is critical because it establishes and accesses new resources for the business, these new frontiers may offer new possibilities and cut down costs. It also mines new information that is useful in achieving the organization’s objectives. Kouzes (2002, p.49-57) says that as a connector, the leadership helps build links and networks across boundaries, which assist the organization diversify and become more robust. This diversity and robustness give the organization a competitive advantage. The organization is then able to sustain profitable activities within its market.
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