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Thursday, 27 December 2012

Functions Of Leadership:Provision of Vision and Direction

Provision of Vision and Direction

    The leadership of any successful business organization has a vision of where the organization will be in a certain period. This vision also contains a way through which the organization will achieve the vision. For this reason, the leadership has to develop a clear vision and mission. These are then put in words in the organization’s vision and mission statements. The role of leadership then goes even further to plan and monitor effective strategies for the achievement of the vision. It is the function of leadership to articulate the vision and offer direction to members working for the realization of this vision.

    Many works in the past have tried to answer the question why founders of business organizations end up becoming leaders of the organizations. According to Caroselli (2000, p.78-85), the answer to these questions is that, in most cases, these founders have the requisite ability of articulating the organizations’ vision. This means that visionary leadership can draw clarity and simplify complex situations in the business. Caroselli says that the leaderships’ ability to see through complex situations and offer appropriate and timely suggestions through them helps the organization meet their objectives. It is mainly through a leadership that articulates the organizations’ vision that such organizations succeed. Such leaders have a better chance of rallying the workforce to join in supporting their course.

    In addition to articulating the vision and showing the way to achieve it, the leadership also strives to conceive the future, determine its limitations today and demonstrate that it is possible to achieve the vision. Organizations struggle to achieve their vision despite the possible complex situations. As such, the leadership remains a constant source of ideas and solutions that enable the organization to remain in its course for it to achieve its goals and objectives. Visionary leadership helps create new possibilitiesand realities that propel the organization in new and beneficial directions. (Winston, 2001, p.60-99).    

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